+62 (21) 8991 4837
Mon. - Fri. 08AM - 17PM


DiscFilterTM HydroTech Microscreen Filters

  • The Hydrotech Discfilter technology is a inside-out mechanical filtration system.
  • Woven cloth mounted on multiple discs providing up to 900L/s of hydraulic capacity per unit.
  • Filters are fully covered to avoid noise and odors while easily accessible which enable most of the maintenance to be done online.
  • Operation requires relatively low energy consumption and are able to achieve continuous filtration even during the backwash process.
  • It is able to remove suspended solids (up to 98%) and total phosphorus (up to 0.1mgTP/l).


Informasi Lebih Lanjut:;

Jl. Sungkai Blok F 26A No. 01B Delta Silicon Lippo Cikarang, Bekasi 17530,  Indonesia


Hubungi Kami Untuk Dukungan:
Phone : +62 (21) 8991 4837
Fax      : +62 (21) 8991 5411



Product Description

Veolia Water Technologies (VWT) is the leading specialist in water treatment. Our teams design and deliver drinking water or wastewater treatment plants as well as smaller standardized water treatment equipment for industrial or municipal customers. VWT also offers a range of services (audit, maintenance, digital) to cover all water treatment plant management needs.

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